Tuesday, March 14, 2006

online mutterings

It's a strange morning in Joburg - mild with heavy cloud cover. Reminds me of an Autumn day in England. Mind you, it is rapidly heading into winter now, just hoping for a few more hot and sunny days before I freeze.
I've been reading the headlines over the last few days and it makes for interesting reading. Google is paying back US$90 million in the click fraud case, niche bite-sized videos are attracting attention, Knight Ridder is about to bought, the huge media companies are on the hunt for new websites, everyone is talking about blogs etc etc.
And yet, here in SA, no one really seems to be talking about the Internet, blogs, online videos. Here, we're still yapping about how the magazine and newspaper industry is growing (despite the closure of Nova, a Media24 newspaper 'experiment'); how well radio advertising is doing etc. It makes me wonder when we are going ot catch up. Granted, South Africa is much like Brazil in the huge disparity between rich and poor, therefore there aren't that many (relatively speaking) using the Internet at the moment. And of course, Telkom is a huge hindrance with the cost of broadband and not so nifty service. But, unless marketers and advertisers start using the Internet as a medium, it's never going to grow. I just wish some more people would take a few risks. It's what other people do.

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